

Notes for scientific writing


Siobhon Egan


July 30, 2021

🔗 Resources for writing:

Research proposal

Writing a good research proposal is an important part of any research. Its often needed for research degrees (PhD etc), and as part of a grant proposal etc. Check the requirements carefully. Below is a rough guide of how to structure your proposal.

  1. PROJECT TITLE - Working title for the project.
  2. SUPERVISOR NAME(S) - Name/s of supervisor/s (or collaborators).
  3. PROPOSED MODE OF RESEARCH - Describe your mode of research. For example, creative work, laboratory/field research, clinical investigations, archive/library study.
  4. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES - What are the overall aims of the work? What objectives are necessary to meet the aims?
  5. SYNOPSIS - Briefly describe the key aspects of what you will be investigating.
  6. BACKGROUND Brief review of literature in the area of interest. Describe what research lays the groundwork for your topic.
  7. EXPECTED RESEARCH CONTRIBUTION - Why is the topic/creative work important? Describe how the research may be novel and its impact on the discipline.
  8. THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY - Approach or methodology to be used in the research, the materials/equipment you intend to use, your space/laboratory/studio requirements.
  9. WORK PLAN - An initial plan for completion with annual milestones (eg. over 3 years). A gnatt chart is useful here (e.g. iThinkwell thesis planner), see this blog for more info.
  10. RESOURCES - Provide details of major resources required for you to carry out your research project. What significant resources are required for the success of your proposed project? (eg. travel, equipment).
  11. REFERENCES - A bibliography of the cited literature


Resources for grant writing

Learn grant writing - has a range of free resources. See their free resources page for budget templates, project kickoff agenda and more.

Adelaide University grant applications page - The following list samples some useful grant-writing resources from the many available, that aim to give you that winning edge to your competitive research proposals.