Getting started on sharing code

GitHub - provides hosting for software development version control using Git. It the industry standard, universal platform to share code and collaborate on projects. GitHub offers plans free of charge but you can also upgrade for extra storage and other special features if you need.

Offical GitHub links

GitHub and RStudio

I highly recommend doing the GitHub lesson on software carpentry

Useful bits


git --help

Initalize a repo

git init

Show status of a repo

git status

Add all files to the staging area

git add .

Add only certain files to staging area

git add filename.txt

Save the staged content as a new commit into the local repo

git commit -m "message here"

Copy changes from a local repository to a remote repository

git push origin master

Copy changes from a remote repository to a local repository

git pull origin master

Cloning a repo

git clone ~/Path/here

Work by Siobhon Egan