Last updated: 2022-03-07
Checks: 7 0
Knit directory: wildlife-ticks/
This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.7.0). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.
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The command set.seed(20210211)
was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.
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Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.
The results in this page were generated with repository version 7b4fd7e. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.
Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish
or wflow_git_commit
). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:
Ignored files:
Ignored: .DS_Store
Ignored: .Rhistory
Ignored: .Rproj.user/
Ignored: analysis/.DS_Store
Ignored: analysis/_footer.html
Ignored: output/.DS_Store
Ignored: output/plots/.DS_Store
Untracked files:
Untracked: .Rprofile
Untracked: ENA_submission/
Untracked: NCBI_submission/
Untracked: analysis/images/
Untracked: data/
Untracked: experiments/
Untracked: flex.Rmd
Untracked: flex.html
Untracked: list.csv
Untracked: output/plots/allmap1.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/allmap2.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/allmapala1.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/allmapala2.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/combined-map5.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/combined-map6.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/combined-map7.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/combined-map8.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/map-ala.html
Untracked: output/plots/map-ala_files/
Untracked: output/plots/map-all-ala.html
Untracked: output/plots/map-all-ala_files/
Untracked: output/plots/map-all-curated.html
Untracked: output/plots/map-all-curated_files/
Untracked: output/plots/map-atrig-facet-edit.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/map-atrig-facet-edit.png
Untracked: output/plots/map-atrig-facet-edit.svg
Untracked: output/plots/map-atrig-subspecies1.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/map-atrig-subspecies2.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/map-atrig1.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/map-atrig2.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/map-ixhol1-edit.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/map-ixhol1-edit.png
Untracked: output/plots/map-ixhol1-edit.svg
Untracked: output/plots/map-ixtas1-edit.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/map-ixtas1-edit.png
Untracked: output/plots/map-ixtas1-edit.svg
Untracked: output/plots/maplegend-ala.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/maplegend-edit.pdf
Untracked: output/plots/maplegend-edit.png
Untracked: output/plots/maplegend-edit.svg
Untracked: output/plots/maplegend.pdf
Untracked: speciesNames.csv
Untracked: temp/
Unstaged changes:
Modified: analysis/_site.yml
Deleted: analysis/mapping.Rmd
Deleted: output/plots/combined-map.pdf
Modified: output/plots/combined-map1.pdf
Modified: output/plots/combined-map2.pdf
Modified: output/plots/combined-map3.pdf
Modified: output/plots/combined-map4.pdf
Deleted: output/plots/map-atrig-comb-nolegend.pdf
Deleted: output/plots/map-atrig-comb.pdf
Modified: output/plots/map-atrig-facet.pdf
Deleted: output/plots/map-atrig-simple1.pdf
Deleted: output/plots/map-atrig-simple2.pdf
Modified: output/plots/map-ixhol1.pdf
Modified: output/plots/map-ixhol2.pdf
Modified: output/plots/map-ixtas1.pdf
Modified: output/plots/map-ixtas2.pdf
Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.
These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/Ixodida12SNGS.Rmd
) and HTML (docs/Ixodida12SNGS.html
) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote
), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.
File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 7b4fd7e | Siobhon Egan | 2022-03-07 | Update prj website |
Retrieve information for GenBank sequences used in the 12S rDNA phylogenetic analysis.
df <- read_excel("data/12S_zotu_tree/MAFFT_aln_one_outgroup_refined_highlighted.xlsx")
ref <- df$GenBank
## Copy/paste or type the following commands if you
## want to try them.
# }
Rampho <- read.GenBank(ref)
## get the species names:
attr(Rampho, "species")
## build a matrix with the species names and the accession numbers:
sp <- cbind(attr(Rampho, "species"), names(Rampho))
write.csv(sp, "data/12S_zotu_tree/speciesNames.csv")
## print the first sequence
## (can be done with `Rampho$U15717' as well)
## the description from each FASTA sequence:
attr(Rampho, "description")
# }
# Enter raw data directorry
# Enter raw read information on raw sequences
# Enter directory for merged output
# Enter max diff for merging - default 5 but should increase for paired end
# Enter minimum merge overlap - default is 16 bp
# Enter directory for sequences that are matched to primers
# Enter directory for sequences that do not match primers
# Enter forward sequences (5'-3'). Wildcard letters indicating degenerate positions in the primer are supported. See IUPAC( codes for details.
fwd_primer="AAACTAGGATTAGATACCCT" #12S Ixodida primer T1B, ref Beati and Keirans, J Parasitol (2001) 87(1):32-48
rev_primer="AATGAGAGCGACGGGCGATGT" #12S Ixodida primer T2A, ref Beati and Keirans, J Parasitol (2001) 87(1):32-48
# Enter directory for quality filtered output
# Enter max error rate. Natural choice is 1, however may want to decrease to 0.5 or 0.25 for more stringent filtering.
# Enter min length of sequence for trimming in bp (eg. to keep all seqs above 200 bp enter "200")
# Enter directory for labeled data
# Enter directory for dereplicated sequences
# Enter directory for singlteton filter data
# Enter directory for singlteton sequences
# Enter max size to discard i.e. to discard singletons = 1, duplicates = 2
# Enter directory for sequence clustering
# Enter sub-directory for uparse_otu clustering
# Enter sub-directory for unoise_zotu clustering
gunzip ${raw_data}/*.fastq.gz
#echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#echo Read summary of raw .fastq sequences
#echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# Prouduce a short summary report of raw fastq sequences using `-fastx_info` command.
# Expected error should be <2 for both forward and reverse reads. Usually reverse reads have a higher error rate.
#mkdir $read_summary
#for fq in $raw_data/*R1*.fastq
# do
# echo ""
# echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# echo "fastq_info forward reads"
# usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -fastx_info $fastq -output $read_summary/a_fwd_fastq_info.txt
#for fq in $raw_data/*R2*.fastq
# do
# echo ""
# echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# echo "fastq_info forward reads"
# usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -fastx_info $fastq -output $read_summary/b_rev_fastq_info.txt
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
echo Merging paried illumina .fastq sequences
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# Merge paired-end reads using `-fastq_mergepairs` command, and rename sequences. This would be done before primers are trimmed.
mkdir ${merged_data}
mkdir working1
# Part 1: merge reads
for file1 in ${raw_data}/*R1.fastq
echo ""
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Merging paired reads
echo forward reads are:
echo $(basename ${file1})
echo reverse reads are:
echo $(basename ${file1} R1.fastq)R2.fastq
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -fastq_mergepairs ${file1} -reverse "${raw_data}/$(basename -s R1.fastq ${file1})R2.fastq" -fastqout "working1/$(basename "$file1")" -fastq_maxdiffs ${maxdiffs} -fastq_minovlen ${overlap} -report ${merged_data}/2a_merging_seqs_report.txt -tabbedout ${merged_data}/2b_tabbedout.txt
# Part 2: Remove "_L001_R1_001" from filenames
for file2 in working1/*.fastq
rm -rfile2} _L001_R1.fastq).fastq"
mv ${file2} ${merged_data}/${rename}
# Removing working directory
rm -r working1
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
echo Triming primers and distal bases
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# The `-search_pcr2` command searches for matches to a primer pair and outputs the sequence in between (i.e. amplicon with primers removed) into `primer_matched` file
mkdir ${primer_matched}
mkdir ${primer_not_matched}
for file3 in ${merged_data}/*.fastq
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -search_pcr2 ${file3} -fwdprimer ${fwd_primer} \
-revprimer ${rev_primer} \
-strand both -fastqout "${primer_matched}/$(basename ${file3})" -notmatchedfq "${primer_not_matched}/$(basename ${file3})" -tabbedout ${primer_matched}pcr2_output.txt
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
echo Quality control and removing dimer seqs
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# Quality filtering of fastq files using the `-fastq_filter` command, output gives fasta files.
mkdir ${QF}
for file4 in ${primer_matched}/*.fastq
echo ""
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Quality control and removing dimer seqs
echo input is:
echo ${file4}
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -fastq_filter ${file4} -fastaout "${QF}/$(basename "$file4" .fastq).fasta" -fastq_maxee ${max_ee} -fastq_minlen ${minlen}
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
echo Renameing sequences with ">barcodelabel=sample_id;sequence_id"
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# For this script to run correctly input fasta label must be formatted >sequence_id and filename must be sample_id.fasta.
# Result will be ">barcodelabel=sample_id;sequenceid"
mkdir ${labeled_data}
mkdir working2
# Part 1: Remove ">" from start of sequence_ID
for file5 in ${QF}/*.fasta
sed -e 's/>/>barcodelabel=;/g' ${file5} > working2/$(basename "$file5" .fasta).txt
# Part 2: Add sample_ID (should be filename) to produce ">barcodelabel=sample_ID;sequence_ID"
for file6 in working2/*.txt
sample_id=$(basename ${file6} .txt)
echo ${sample_id}
sed -e "s/;/${sample_id};/g" ${file6} > "${labeled_data}/$(basename "$file6" .txt).fasta"
# Remove working directories
rm -r working2
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
echo Removing low abundant seqs singletons per sample
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# Remove low abundant sequences (e.g. singletons) in samples using the `-fastx_uniques` command
mkdir ${derep_dir}
mkdir ${SF}
mkdir ${low_abund_seqs}
# Part 1: Dereplicating
for file7 in ${labeled_data}/*.fasta
echo ""
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Removing singletons step 1: derep_fulllength
echo input is:
echo ${file7}
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -fastx_uniques ${file7} -fastaout "${derep_dir}/$(basename "$file7" .fasta).fasta" -sizeout
# Part 2: Filtering low abundant seqs {maxsize}
for file8 in ${derep_dir}/*.fasta
echo ""
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Removing singletons step 2: sorting uniques
echo input is:
echo ${file8}
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -sortbysize ${file8} -fastaout "${low_abund_seqs}/$(basename "$file8" .fasta).fasta" -maxsize ${maxsize}
# Step 3: Mapping reads
for file9 in ${labeled_data}/*.fasta
echo ""
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Removing singletons step 3: mapping reads to low abundant uniques
echo input is:
echo ${file9}
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -search_exact ${file9} -db "${low_abund_seqs}/$(basename "$file9" .fasta).fasta" -strand plus -notmatched "${SF}/$(basename "$file9" .fasta).fasta"
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# Concatenate all singleton filter sequences into a single fasta file
# Find the set of unique sequences in an input file, also called dereplication using `-fastx_uniques` command
mkdir ${cluster}
cat ${SF}/*.fasta > ${cluster}/all_SF.fasta
cd ${cluster}
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -fastx_uniques all_SF.fasta -fastaout all_SF_DR.fasta -sizeout
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Part a - Generating UPARSE OTUs
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cluster sequences in 97% operational taxonomic units (OTUs) using UPARSE algorithm `-cluster_otus` command and generate an OTU table
mkdir ${uparse_otus}
cd ${uparse_otus}
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -cluster_otus ../all_SF_DR.fasta -otus uparse_otus.fasta -relabel OTU
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -usearch_global ../all_SF.fasta -db uparse_otus.fasta -strand both -id 0.97 -otutabout uparse_otu_tab.txt -biomout uparse_otu_biom.biom
# The next two lines produce a distance matrix file and then a tree (newick format)
# Current parameters are a guide only and you will need to optimse them for your data
# Large datasets can take a long time, so you can skip this part for now to speed up analysis
# usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -calc_distmx uparse_otus.fasta -tabbedout uparse_otus_distmx.txt -maxdist 0.2 -termdist 0.3
# usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -cluster_aggd uparse_otus_distmx.txt -treeout uparse_otus_clusters.tree -clusterout uparse_otus_clusters.txt \
# -id 0.80 -linkage min
cd ..
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Part b - Generating UNOISE ZOTUs
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cluster sequences in zero-radius operational taxonomic units (ZOTUs) using `-unoise3` command and generate a ZOTU table
mkdir ${unoise_zotus}
cd ${unoise_zotus}
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -unoise3 ../all_SF_DR.fasta -zotus unoise_zotus.fasta -tabbedout unoise_tab.txt
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -fastx_relabel unoise_zotus.fasta -prefix Otu -fastaout unoise_zotus_relabeled.fasta -keep_annots
usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -otutab ../all_SF.fasta -zotus unoise_zotus_relabeled.fasta -otutabout unoise_otu_tab.txt -biomout unoise_otu_biom.biom -mapout unoise_map.txt -notmatched unoise_notmatched.fasta -dbmatched dbmatches.fasta -sizeout
# The next two lines produce a distance matrix file and then a tree (newick format)
# Current parameters are a guide only and you will need to optimse them for your data
# Large datasets can take a long time, so you can skip this part for now to speed up analysis
# usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -calc_distmx unoise_zotus.fasta -tabbedout unoise_zotus_distmx.txt -maxdist 0.2 -termdist 0.3
# usearch11.0.667_i86osx64 -cluster_aggd unoise_zotus_distmx.txt -treeout unoise_zotus_clusters.tree -clusterout unoise_zotus_clusters.txt \
# -id 0.80 -linkage min
cd ..
cd ..